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$query1 = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE name='Social Button Code'";
$result1 = mysql_query ($query1);
$line1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
$htmlcode = $line1["htmlcode"];
echo $htmlcode;
Struggling to get Referrals & Build Your Downlines?
"Join our 'Downline Builder System' to get referrals to our recommended programs! This site will help you to finally succeed online!"
...in the next 10 minutes you can be completely setup and ready
build your downlines with our 100% FREE Downline Builder System called Pro Downline System
Your Membership Benefits Include:
FREE lifetime access to our unique downline builder system |
FREE bonus advertising.. just for joining Promo Code: welcome |
Ability to add your own programs to the downline builder |
All the tools and resources to build successfully promote |
Plus many more features waiting for you on the inside |
We've made it real simple here at Pro Downline System
We allow you to start getting referrals to multiple programs in just minutes to get quick, lasting results. It's super simple with our easy to follow step-by-step system!
To your online success!
PS: Don't forget to use Promo Code: welcome - See you on the inside :)
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